Improving Diabetic Foot Care: A Guide for Commissioners

South West England
Delays in access to specialist care can lead to more severe ulcers that last longer, and to more amputations.
Good quality services can reduce ulcer duration, prevent amputation, and save NHS money.
In 2012, the South West region had some of the highest amputation rates in England. A team of local clinicians peer-reviewed all the diabetic foot services in the region.
They developed 10 criteria for good quality diabetic foot care. Major amputation rates fell substantially in the areas that changed their services to meet all or most of the criteria. There was no change in amputation rates in those that did not increase their score against the 10 criteria.
Dr. Richard Paisey led the peer reviews in the South West. SInce then he has peer reviewed more than 30 diabetic foot services across England.
One of the areas that improved its foot care service was Somerset.