Improving Diabetic Foot Care: A Guide for Commissioners

Service transformation in Sheffield
Sheffield received transformation funding of £112,000 in 2017-18 and £185,000 in 2018-19 to improve diabetic foot care. Before the transformation funding there was insufficient capacity in the foot protection service, leading to excess demand for the MDFT, late referrals and delays to healing.
The transformation funding was used to add 3.4 WTE podiatrists to the foot care service, plus administrative support and equipment.

Reported impacts include:
more frequent review of at-risk patients
more podiatry care for inpatients with diabetes
educational outreach to primary care.
The service reports a reduction in the proportion of ulcers that are severe when first seen by the MDFS, and that this has led to faster healing and cost savings.
Rajiv Gandhi is a consultant diabetologist at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals.