Improving Diabetic Foot Care: A Guide for Commissioners

Diabetic Foot Care should be a priority for every ICS in England
Here are four reasons:
Today, and every day, around 28 people with diabetes in England will have a toe, foot or leg amputated. Approximately 82,000 people in England have diabetic foot ulcers right now, 1,900 per ICS on average. Diabetic foot problems are more common and more severe in deprived groups. Much of this suffering and inequality is avoidable.
2 High Financial Cost
The NHS in England spends an estimated £1.4 billion a year on diabetic foot problems; that's £33 million per ICS.
3 Potential for Improved Outcomes and Cost Savings
Poor diabetic foot care often costs more than good care. Delays in access to specialist care can lead to severe long-term ulcers, and in some cases to amputation. Severe ulcers and amputations devastate lives and increase NHS costs. Reducing the prevalence of severe ulcers by a third would save the average ICS around £4.7 million a year.
4 Diabetic Foot Care is a National Priority
The NHS Long Term Plan requires all hospitals to provide access to a multidisciplinary footcare teams. High-quality diabetic foot care also contributes to the achievement of the NHS's key national objectives: improving outcomes in population health and healthcare, tackling inequalities in outcomes, experience and access, enhancing productivity and value for money, and supporting broader social and economic development.

This website can help your local area to transform lives and reduce NHS costs through improved diabetic foot care.
1 High Human Cost